7月14日(土)、15日(日)若狭和田ビーチにて、英語で水辺の安全を学べるニッパーズキャンプ「Dolphin Haus - English Nippers Camps」が初開催 !
高浜の中でも特に色々な取り組みが行われている若狭和田ビーチで、水辺の安全と英語が学べる初めてのイベント「Dolphin Haus - English Nippers Camps」が行われます!
Dolphin Haus - English Nippers Campsは英語が喋れない方でも、英語を学んでいる方、英語に興味がある方どなたでもご参加頂けます。もちろん日本人も参加可能です。
参加ご希望の方はご希望のキャンプコードとお子様のお名前、誕生日をメールにてお知らせください。詳細はDolphin Hausより返信されます。
登録:メールで送信dolphinhaus@gmail.com (子供の名前、誕生日、キャンプコード)
Dolphin Haus - English Nippers Camps
What are NIPPERs?Nippers in Australian, New Zealand and South African surf lifesaving are young Surf Lifesavers aged between 5 and 14 years old. Unlike senior Surf Lifesavers, the majority of them do not patrol the beaches. The focus for Nippers tends to be on fun, and surf awareness.
At English Nipper camps in Dolphin Haus, classroom and textbook do not exist. We teach and reinforce new words, phrases and expressions through fun-packed outdoor games and activities with the education of water safety and lifesaving. Our aim is to nurture our campers with a mind of “Keeping Safe through Communicating More” which is conducive to their future global endeavours.
We welcome campers who have never learned English, been wanting to learn English, been hesitating to learn English or are having difficulty to learn English. Our aim is to nurture campers a mentality of “Communicating More and Keeping Safe “ through developing their English Ability by encouraging fun and safety
For children who are attending English conversation school, they can actually apply what they have learned from the lessons and see the result immediately in a camp environment. By applying the words, phrases and lifesaving skills learned in each lesson, campers would progressively feel English becoming part of themselves. When they go home, they would be energized by the fun of our lessons, also they would be more able to react properly to keep themselves and others safe in case of emergency.
Campers have an English lesson every morning at camp. These lessons serve two purposes: switching on the English part of campers brains, and teaching them some new English that they might hear in the specific activities they’re doing on that day. For example, campers are playing in the water and learning about water safety.
The camp takes place at the Wakasa Wada Beach in Takahama, Fukui Prefecture which is surrounded by nature and has been awarded Blue Flag.
Date: July 14-15 Camp Code 08MENC
August 20-24 Camp Code 08ENC
Registration: Email to dolphinhaus@gmail.com (child's name, birth date, camp code)